Learning About Budgeting in the Information Age

Investment video

About two-fifths of American adults “grade” themselves at C or worse when it comes to financial savvy, according to a 2013 Harris Interactive study. Millions of Americans are worried about their finances, all the time, and it’s the kind of worry that can seep into every single thing you do, from shopping for groceries to strolling downtown with your family. Add in the fact that money problems are consistently among the top three reasons for divorce, and you begin to see the makings of a personal finance epidemic.

While money management books may work for some, more and more people are turning to budgeting videos as a way to fully learn, understand, and appreciate how good budgeting can impact your everyday life. Finance videos exist for everyone from the novice to the seasoned professional, but all of them are designed to make your life simpler by teaching you the best ways to keep track of your incoming and outgoing finances.

In addition to the basics, many budgeting videos offer more specific, technical advice on the many kinds of software and online tools available to help you manage your money. Popular choices such as Quicken, Mint, and PocketSmith, are designed to make budgeting simpler, but still require video tutorials for users to get the most out their features.

Budgeting can have different goals, too. Depending on where you’re starting from, you may want to pay off your debts faster, redistribute your spending so that you have more money for entertainment, or save for large purchases down the road. Budgeting videos can help you take those first steps, but more targeted videos are available once you have a good grasp of the basics. For example, if you simply want to save money videos exist to help guide your through some simple adjustments to make in the grocery store. Or if you already have a savings in place, investment videos can give you ideas for expanding your next egg with a bit of smart financial planning.

Do you have a favorite site for budget videos and all things financial? Feel free to share it in the comments below.